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Saturday 7 May 2011

The New Start

THE NEW START .. today i start to write what is happening in my life. Well tomorrow will be the 5th day i practical in Rhb doing internal audit.I really hope 4months will be end quickly.There is so much thing have to do with audit, before this i really want to work in bank.Now after i experience to work in bank, i know how difficult its is to workers in bank.Almost every day i finish my work in 7.00pm and i will be in UKm (the placed that i stay for practical) abou 8.30pm....That why i will think to do KPLI (Kursus perguruan lepasan ijazah) to be a teacher like my family n my prince want me to do after i graduate.. i hope what ever i do, i get more money $$$$$$$$$$$$$$....hahahaha


  1. akk slalu balik 8.45..hehehee..its normal if u r working at the bank dik...=) masyuk la yg penting kte hepi wt kje tu..kre cm kne ngn jiwa la..hihihi..gud luck girl!!!^_^

  2. urmmm 8.45...huhu biasa sgat2..but elaun 400 jeww..not like the real worker punya gaji lor...huhu 400 but keja aishh mcm pkrja tetap dh..huhu urmm kena dgn jiwa bab kira2...yg pening audit..mcm2 kes...kena trun naik pejbat branch laa ...huhu
