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Sunday 8 May 2011

Memohon doa dengan menulis di FB..

salam..ehem2...hihi (cewah) hihi...
terpaksa tinggalkan dulu pasal gentleman yep..huhu
ni pasal facebook..seperti yg diketahui (skema ayat)... facebook ni dah jdi trend zaman sekarang, pihak kerajaan pun menggunakan facebook..huhu saa cuma terfikir kenapa apabila seseoarang tu mendoakan sesuatu atau meminta sesuatu daripada Allah s.w.t mereka letakkan di status facebook mereka.Sedangkan jika kita inginkan sesuatu atau berdoa sepatutnya kita memohon daripada Nya bukan melalui facebook.Dan adalah lebih elok sekiranya doa yang kita mohon itu dilakukan dalam keadaan yang sunyi supaya kita fokus (sprt pda tgah malam atau selepas solat).Itu pendapat saya lah, saya mungkin pernah berbuat demikian.. allahualam.. baiklah itu shaja tazkirah pada malam nie..Renung-renungkan Selamat Beramal...sekiranya salah,sila betulkan saya :) hihi thanks terima kasih n toche  ^^,

A guy or gentleman or man....

relax2..hihi nie actor yang saya admire (antaranyaaa laaa) hihi..urmm utk new post..i would to share about man n gentleman...hurmm lelaki...apa yea yg boleh    dikatakan tentang lelaki nie.selain hensem......
k nie pasal lelaki bukan  the rock but the nizam hahaha..dia ni mcm raksasa..ngauuummmm...hihi tenungan mcm the rock tu kadang2 wujud...hohoho bhayooo tutup mata hikhik, kulit pown xgelap mcm the rock sbb dia putih,rambut plak xmacam the rock la sbb the rock rmbutnye kerinting n botak, tpi the nizam nie rambutnye lebat dan lurus...huhu pe lgi yek bezanye..nak kata kuat mcm the rock tu nth komen tpi mungkin kuat mencubit kot..wee~~~ nak tau spe the nizam is jeng jeng jeng jeng..................................                                        

jeng jeng      

 THE NIZAM...... (^^,)

Saturday 7 May 2011

heppy mother day :)

heppy mothers day to my mom (badriah binti yahya).. lately u having heart attack.That worry me every day.I cannot imagine if i lost are my place to share a story about my life, my love, my job,my friend.You are so sporting..i really glad i have you to be my mom.Even sometime we also have fight..last friday you being hospitalized for the second time.I sorry cannot come back for this moment.i always for your healthy and dad too..I hope everything will be fine. Your operation will be 15June..i will be there for you.Thanks for my grandma for come here from terengganu.You are really good mom for my mother.Thanks for come to take care my family.To my aunts also (yasmin+fauziah+faridah) you are good sister to my mom..Always come to our house to accompany my little brother n sister.I wish you all heppy mother day too... ^^,

The New Start

THE NEW START .. today i start to write what is happening in my life. Well tomorrow will be the 5th day i practical in Rhb doing internal audit.I really hope 4months will be end quickly.There is so much thing have to do with audit, before this i really want to work in bank.Now after i experience to work in bank, i know how difficult its is to workers in bank.Almost every day i finish my work in 7.00pm and i will be in UKm (the placed that i stay for practical) abou 8.30pm....That why i will think to do KPLI (Kursus perguruan lepasan ijazah) to be a teacher like my family n my prince want me to do after i graduate.. i hope what ever i do, i get more money $$$$$$$$$$$$$$....hahahaha